Friday, July 24, 2009

Drama, Drama, Drama

Help. I'm in the middle of this fight that I'm not sure I want to end up as friends again. Help.

click HERE for all the info....

Please. I'm beggin for help. I'm hurt.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

tanner has a blog!

Hey guys, Tanner got a blog! he's my buddy(:

is his homepage. he has another blog where he is currently writing his book....idk what the website is tho.

<3haylee bear

Monday, June 15, 2009

Tate Family Reunion

We had a wonderful family reunion last weekend at Dad's house. It was great to see Aunt Diane, Lisa, Brian and his family and Gary and his family. We sure missed Shelly, Doug, Bob and Nicole's families. It was great just catching up, eating and playing is the pool. Here are pictures of the kids.
It was to hear how eachothers live are changing. The kids are all growing up so much. We also had fun exchanging Grandpa Tates sayings and memories with him and Grandma. Thanks for the fun reunion!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Browning Family

Here are some updated photos of the Browning kids! It is amazing how fast they are growing up! Way too fast! McKay (9 1/2) has a bottomless pit for a stomach! Hunter (7 1/2) can't jump on the neighbors tramp enough! Sydney (4)...if only I could bottle a little of her energy and use it for myself later during the day! Love them all!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Hoping you all had a Merry Christmas!

More Tate Party Photos

Family get together

What a fun time we all had together! Decorating cookies, talent show, Wii, animal dances and good food! Here are some photos I took!